We would like to thank everyone that turned out to view the film and speak with the panel last Thursday at the Old Cinema for the Age of Stupid screening. There was great discussion by the audience and the panelists, and again we would like to thank you all for that!!
For instance, some of the best ways for us to individually make an impact is to support and campaign for more wind farms here in the UK- This country has the greatest wind resource in all of Europe!! Also, don't take flights on Holiday (visiting family is an exception)- but don't fly anywhere you don't HAVE to! Generally, just do everything you can to reduce your carbon footprint!!
Please visit the University's sustainability website to watch the video of the event and visit our Facebook to view some pictures from the event,
http://www.wmin.ac.uk/page-16980 and facebook
Tomorrow's Leaders Westminster.
AWARENESS CAMPAIGNThank you for all of you who have been taking the ribbons in support of the awareness campaign! We appreciate your support and it helps us know that the bigger and better campaign we will launch in the autumn will be supported!!
Friday is...
WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL DAY 2009Mexico City is to Host World Environment Day, commemorated each year on 5th June. It is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.
To find out more on how to get involved and everyday pointers on how to do your part please visit the website
http://www.unep.org/wed/2009/english/IBE Student Essay Competition 2009CSR is not just about the environment, it is also about caring about the community surrounding you and making your institution a better place. This is why we wanted to let you know about the IBE Student Essay Competition 2009. You also have a chance to win £500!!
The IBE Student Essay Competition 2009, is proud to launch the 2009 Student Essay Competition in Business Ethics.
Business ethics is an increasingly important issue for all organisations. Scandals continue in the business world and society has higher and higher expectations of the role of business.
To find out more, go to
http://www.ibe.org.uk/education/studentawards.html, where you will find the essay requirements.
We wish you the best of luck, as Business Ethics is important- now more then ever!!